Library Herald Year : 2013, Volume : 51, Issue : 3 First page : ( 206) Last page : ( 220) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Article DOI : 10.5958/j.0976-2469.51.3.003
Zandian Fatemeh*, Bakhtiari F., MSc., Riahinia Nosrat**
*Faculty Member, Tarbiat Modares University
**Faculty Member, Kharazmi University
This study explores the views of children's literature experts regarding the appearance and content characteristics of nursery school libraries. One hundred professionals in children's literature, working in the three organizations of Children's Book Council, Intellectual Development of Children and Youth Centre, and Welfare Organization in Tehran province were chosen through purposeful sampling. A researcher made questionnaire was used for data collection. The survey has been organized in six components of space, facility, sources, services, organization and management. The results of statistical indices represent the expertise agreement with the majority of the above-mentioned features and rejecting four of them.