Publishing Policy & Author Guidelines
Library Herald, a peer-reviewed, hybrid (print & online on demand), quarterly journal that publishes original research and review papers related to entire spectrum of library science, library education, and IT applied to library activities, services, and products. Major subject fields covered includes: information systems, knowledge management, collection building & management, information behaviour & retrieval, Librarianship/library management, Library & information services, Records management & preservation, etc. Typescript required for consideration in Library Herald are:
Research papers (max length: 4000 words or 10 typed pages of A4 size including figures, and references) containing original research findings in a clear and concise manner.
Review articles (max length: 5500 words or 15 typed pages of A4 size including figures and references) are expected to cover survey, integrate, and critically examine new information accumulated in recent years in a particular subject field.
Article (s) should be submitted to the Editor, Library Herald, through designated e-mail ( along with Word ® attachment. The author(s) should obtain copyright clearance for materials used in the article. It will be assumed that submission of an article to this journal implies that all the foregoing conditions are applicable.
Article Processing Fee
A nominal processing charges (APC) will be charged for meeting the expenditure occurs on publishing, editorial, language editor, operational, peer-review, and other functional costs.
SCAN QR Code for Payment
The processing fee for each article (solo or jointly) will be of Rs. 6000 (Six Thousand) for General Category, Rs. 4000 (Four Thousand) for DLA Life Members & 100 Dollars for foreign nationals. The APC will only be applicable on the paper (s) which has been accepted for publication. Articles published in a ‘Special Issue’ or a ‘Dedicated Issue’ will be exempted from APC. The President of DLA, on a special case/request (s) may waive off the APC. The details of APC payment are as:
Name - Delhi Library Association
Bank Name - Canara
Account No - 2846101000334
IFSC Code - CNRB0002846
SWIFT Code - CNRBINBBBFD(Foreign Authors)
Address - Community Centre, Naraina Vihar, Delhi-110028.
Review Process
follows double-blind and two-round of independent peer-review process. LH makes full confidentiality among authors and reviewers and does not take biased decision.
All articles must be submitted in standard English (preferably British). Authors for whom English is a second language are encouraged to seek assistance in writing from a native speaker. Manuscripts written in poor English will not be sent for review.
Library Herald treats the submitted manuscript and all communication with authors and referees as confidential. Authors must also treat communication with LH as confidential
As per the international standards and UGC norms manuscripts which has similarity index less than 10 percentage will only be accepted. Author (s) must submit plagiarism report checked by internationally accepted plagiarism detection software (PDS) along with the manuscript.
General Author Guidelines
Organisation: The general organisation of research papers should be as follows:
The nature and scope of the study should be stated first, then the details of methods, materials, tools, procedures and/or equipments used: followed by findings, discussion and conclusion.
Appendices may be used to amplify details where appropriate. Scholarly papers should have an abstract of about 300 words before introduction, main sections and sub-sections, and conclusion.
Each section of the article follows a hierarchical number pattern for the headings and sub-headings (1st level), with 0 being the number for the first section (usually introduction).
Footnotes to the text should be avoided, but where used, should be numbered consecutively and presented as endnotes.
Citations of other works should be limited to those strictly necessary for arguments. Short quotations should be included in the text within inverted commas (“ ”) and quotations of more than 30 words should be placed in a separate paragraph indented from the main body of the text. However, all quotations should be accompanied by precise references indicating a number of references. The authors, wherever applicable, shall obtain copyrights of others works in the text.
Reference Style
References should be indicated in the text by superscript numbers continuously and listed at the end, following the Indian Standard IS:2381-1978, in the same order as they appear in the text. Some examples of various types of documents are given below:
SINGH (K P). Playing from the front: A story of unfolded acts of a Library and Information Science Teacher.2020. AKS Publishing House; Delhi. P520
Journal Article
VASHISHTH (C P). Rural information system initiatives in India. Library Herald. 45, 3; 2007; 191-204.
Book Chapters
PATIL (D B). Karnataka state university libraries network (KAULIBNET), In VASHISHTH (C P), Ed, Computerisation and library networks. 1990. ILA; Delhi. Pp 363-372.
Conference Papers
RAGHAVAN (J) and VIJAYALAKSHMI (S). Network architecture and system requirements for MALIBNET. Seminar on Library Networks in India; 12-13 August 1993. DRTC, Bangalore.
SINGH (KP). Information seeking behaviour of agriculture scientists working in select ICAR institutions in Delhi and Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana: A study. 2007. Guru Nanak Dev University (Thesis).
All correspondence should be addressed to: Professor RAKESH KUMAR BHATT, MANAGING EDITOR, LIBRARY HERALD, Ranganathan Bhavan, ‘C’ Block, Community Centre, Near CGHS Dispensary, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi-110 028, India.
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