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Kumari Shanta Vasisht: President, Delhi Library Association (1954 – 2001)
An Overview of Scholarly Open Access E-resources in Medicine and Health Sciences
Skilled Human Capital Requirement in Library and Information Services: A Case Study of Central Unive
Current Outreach Practices at Foreign Mission Libraries and Information Centers in Delhi: A Study
Growing Threat of Predatory Publishing in 21st Century: A Study
Comparison among Journal Quality Indicators of Sports Science Journals
Research Collaboration between India and China during 2002–2016
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Km. Shanta Vasisht: A Pleasing Personality
Homage to Kumari Shanta Vasisht: Longest serving President of Delhi Library Association
My Reminiscences of an Elegant Acquaintance: Kumari Shanta Vasisht
Remembering Km. Shanta Vasisht
Less Than A Century – More Than A Life Shanta Vasisht: ASwan Who Wore Khadi