Measuring the Winds of Change: A State-of-the-Art Report of the PG Programmes and Placement in LIS
Leadership and Management Principles in Developing Countries, New York:The Haworth Information Press
Classification in theory and practice.
Advances in Librarianship
Building libraries for the 21st century: The shape of information.
A Study on Library Consortia in Science and Technology: Problems and Prospects
Conflict Management in University Libraries in Delhi
The Image and Role of the Librarian: A Review
India's Research on Information Seeking Behaviour of Agricultural Scientists: A Literature Survey
User Education in Agricultural Libraries in India: A Paradigm Need
State-of-the-Art of Documentation and Information Services in SAU Libraries in India
Gender Difference and Levels of Requirement for Information Resources and Services of Career Seekers
UGC-Infonet E-journal Consortium for Universities and Colleges An Indian Experience