LIBRARY HERALD Year : 2020, Volume : 58, Issue : 4 First page : ( 118) Last page : ( 125) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2020.00030.10
Blockchain technology and its application in libraries
Sanjay1, Nabihasan2 1Library Intern, Central Library Indian Institute of TechnologyDelhi - 110016, India Email: 2Librarian & Head, Central Library Indian Institute of TechnologyDelhi - 110016, India Email: Abstract Blockchain technology is mainly used for trading securely in a digital environment by verifying and storing a transaction record in a distributed and time stamp manner. However, there are several other areas also where blockchain technology can be implemented. This technology is distributed, making it difficult for transactions to be counterfeit, duplicated, or faked. This article provides insight into how blockchain technology works and examines its innovative current and future uses in various branches of libraries. Keywords Blockchain, Digital-first sale right, Scholarly Publication, Digital Rights Management, Smart Library Services..