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Use of electronic resources in the field of medical science: A study of review of literature

Library Herald Year : 2022, Volume : 60, Issue : 2 First page : ( 124) Last page : ( 139) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2022.00022.7

Use of electronic resources in the field of medical science: A study of review of literature

Gupta Divyanshu1 1Ph.D. Research Scholar, DLIS, University of Delhi; e-mail: Abstract The advancement of technology has a great influence on electronic publishing. The astounding features of information technology bring revolution to the academic community. The world is moving from print to digital media and digital media is found to be one of the easiest and fastest communication channels. It has removed all the territorial barriers by establishing a central connection of entire world research, e.g., Scopus and Web of Science are the databases which are designed to measure the quantitative aspects of research as well as provide currents in trends of research in a specific discipline. This paper is pertinent to reviewing the use of e-resources in medical science. It has been found that a lot of research has been conducted, however, only relevant literature is reviewed in the study. The entire work is original and very much useful for the other researchers who are doing research on the use of e-resources by the medical science academic community. Keywords Electronic Resources, Consortium, ICT, Medical Science, Knowledge Society, Etc.

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