Library Herald Year : 2021, Volume : 59, Issue : 2 First page : ( 117) Last page : ( 113) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2021.00014.2
Trends in terminological networks in health informatics: A scientometric study
Gujral Garima1, Rama J. Shiva2 1Taxonomist, Walmart Global Tech. Benguluru Walmart Global Tech, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 2Assistant Professor, Centre for Library and Information Management Studies Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Abstract Health informatics as a field has garnered much attention among healthcare practitioners as well as research scholars. The purpose of this study is to perform a keyword analysis to gain insights about health informatics research trends and aspects. A scientometric analysis of publications in the health informatics domain from 2009–2019 indexed in the Web of Science database was performed. The period 2009–2019 was chosen as the start of the decade a major transition and adoption of technology in the healthcare sector. Network visualization techniques were applied using VOS Viewer software to find out the most popular author keywords and co-words. The terms health informatics, medical informatics, electronic health records, informatics, e-health, consumer health informaticswere the most popular author keywords. The highest number of publications was in the English language with 3376 out of 3856 publications. The term ‘health informatics’ has co-occurred with several clusters which refers to the interdisciplinary nature of the field of health informatics. The scholarly publication productivity of health informatics domain has been growing over the years. The findings suggest that health informatics has been maturing as a discipline. Results reveal the emerging research areas, dominant topics and the relationships between author keywords and co-words in the field of heath informatics from 2009–2019. Keywords Health Informatics, Keyword Analysis, Co-word analysis, Scientometrics, Information Visualization.