Library Herald Year : 2009, Volume : 47, Issue : 2 First page : ( 135) Last page : ( 141) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Symptoms and Strategies of Technostress among the Students of SNCET College Library: A Study
Sangeetha K1, Assistant Librarian, Kumar K Vijaya2, Chief Librarian, Nithyanandham K3, Special Officer 1Madras School of Economics, Chennai, 600 025. 2Sri Nandhanam College of Engineering, Thriupattur, Vellore District, Taminadu, 635601. 3University of Library, Anna University, Chennai, 600 025.
Studying the impact of technostress among the students is an interesting area. The students agreed that computers were an important part of daily life and they agreed to learn more about them and gain competency to use them. This research particularly highlights the symptoms of technostress faced by them. The students viewed their suggestions and measures that they would take in daily routine to overcome technostress. Thus this research is undertaken in view to minimize technostress among the students who use the library.