Library Herald Year : 2007, Volume : 45, Issue : 1 First page : ( 61) Last page : ( 69) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Reading Habits of Rural Under-Graduate Students
Kaushik Sanjay K1, Senior Assistant Librarian, Khanchi Jaswant Singh2, Librarian 1Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 124 001, email: kaush 2Banwari Lal Jindal Suiwala College, Tosham, District, Bhiwani, Haryana
Abstract The present study investigates the reading habits of rural undergraduate students through a structured questionnaire. The results indicate that ninety respondents (57.69%) read newspaper daily and fifty-two respondents (33.33%) read newspaper occasionally. A majority of respondents (58.33%) read general magazines, 14.73% respondents read magazines on films, 16.67% respondents read magazines relating to various Competitions. More female under-graduates have been found reading Novels/Poetry/Stories books, whereas more male have been found reading religious and competitive books. The female undergraduate students have been found devoting more time for reading at home (during normal college days as well as during exam days) as compared to male under-graduate students. The use of INTERNET by rural under-graduate students is very low, which is matter of great concern for librarians. Only sixteen respondents out of one hundred fifty six use the INTERNET.