Library Herald Year : 2006, Volume : 44, Issue : 2 First page : ( 146) Last page : ( 151) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Institutional Repositories: Challenge and Opportunity for LIS Professionals in Digital Age
Hirwade MANGALA1, Librarian, Hirwade ANIL W2 1Shivaji Science College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur. E-mail: 2Patent Information System Seminary Hills, Nagpur 440 006.
Abstract In the present age of information revolution and ever increasing demand for exact and consolidated information, the functions and old methods followed by traditional libraries are being replaced by new techniques and technologies. Providing access to information free of charge in electronic formats is a concept that is gaining momentum. Open Access is one step ahead of Free Access. Open Access holds promise to remove both price and permission barriers to the scientific communication by using Internet. Creating Institutional Repositories is a step towards open access. The paper provides information about major Institutional Repositories in India.