Library Herald Year : 2021, Volume : 59, Issue : 2 First page : ( 60) Last page : ( 69) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2021.00010.5
Gate register tool with koha library automation software
Hazarika Hirak Jyoti1, Dr. Kumar S. Ravi2 1Research Scholar, DLIS, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong . Meghalaya, India 2Assistant Professor, DLIS, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India . Abstract The article presents an attempt to integrate gate registerwith open-source software Koha Integrated Library Management System. Using this option, the patron's library card will be scanned by the system during entry and exit at the library gate, and this information will be storedin the new table which we have added to the Koha database. Using this tool various reports can be generated for various library management purposes. In the final phase, we have developed a patch for Koha which has enabled the users of the library to update their profile in Koha without library staff help. This tiny addition to Koha has enabled it toward crowdsourcing mode. The above two tools are tested in the real-time environment and positive feedback has been reeived from library staff and users. Keywords Open Source Software, Koha ILS, Tools, Gate Register, Developing countries.