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Evaluation of the Scientific Productions (SPs) of the Faculty Members (FMs) in Iran: A case study

Writer's picture: Library HeraldLibrary Herald

Library Herald Year : 2011, Volume : 49, Issue : 3 First page : ( 205) Last page : ( 220) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Evaluation of the Scientific Productions (SPs) of the Faculty Members (FMs) in Iran: A case study

Riahinia Nosrat*, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, Associate Dean for Research, Asemi Asefeh**, Assistant Professor, Head of Library and Information Science, Zandian Fatemeh***, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science * Faculty of Psychology and Education, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran, ** Department in University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, *** Head of LIS Department in Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,

Abstract The main objective of this paper is studying SPs of FMs at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tarbiat Modarres (UTM), Tehran, (Iran) during years 2001–2006. The research considers the amount of SPs in the forms of book, journal paper, seminar/conference papers, research project, and thesis supervision. The survey method is applied and data is collected through questionnaires. The statistical population consists of 62 FMs. The results show that 98.4% of FMs are male and 1.6% are female. 30.6% have Ph D and 69.4% have Ph D with specialization. Responses reveal that out of 5508 national and international scientific productions, 1987 journal paper titles, 2420 seminar paper titles, 169 titles of books compilation and translation titles, 149 research project titles and 783 theses supervision cases. The results showed a significant relationship between the academic rank of professors and their scientific outputs and there is no significant difference between different fields of study in the research population in terms of scientific productions.

Keywords Scientific products (SPs), faculty members (FMs), University of Tarbiat Modarres-(UTM), Faculty of Agriculture, Iran,Asemi Asefeh,Zandian Fatemeh,Riahinia Nosrat.



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