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Digital Initiative of Government of India in Higher Education: Exploration of E-PG Pathshala in Law Discipline

Library Herald

Year : 2023, Volume : 61, Issue : 2

First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 54)

Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469.

Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2023.00013.1

Digital Initiative of Government of India in Higher Education: Exploration of E-PG Pathshala in Law Discipline

Rai Priya1

1Deputy Librarian and Head, Justice T.P.S Chawla Library, National Law University, Delhi, E-Mail:


Digital education is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, as it has the potential to provide a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience whereas Indian government has taken several steps to promote digital education including the National Digital Education Mission (NDEM), The Digital India Programme (DIP) andmany more, the most prominent among all are National Mission of Education through ICT (NME-ICT). Furthermore, the government is encouraging the use of digital technologies in the education sector through initiatives such as the National Education Policy 2020.The objective of the article is toillustrate effortsmade by the Indiangovernment in regard to open educational initiatives in higher education, notably E-PG Pathshala Law subject papers and associated modules.Ausage study wascarried out among LLM and PhD research researchers to determine its usefulness and reliability. The study reveals that both post graduate and doctoral research scholars use the site equally, and they prefer the e-text format for writing their dissertations and theses. The majority of students stated that the electronic content available on their subject area meets their needs.


Digital Education, e-Learning, E-PG Pathshala, Open Educational Resources (OER).

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