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  • Writer's pictureLibrary Herald

CD-ROM searches at the University of Ilorin Library

Library Herald

Year: 1999, Volume: 37, Issue: 1

First page: (38) last page: (43)

Print ISSN: 0024-2292

CD-ROM searches at the University of Ilorin Library


* Head, Computer Unit, University of Ilorin Library, Ilorin (Nigeria)


Discusses the issues relating to CD-ROM search requests at the University of Ilorin Library. Attempts to answer some questions-how widely have the CD-ROM served members of the University Community? Mentions to What extent do faculty and students requests for searches on CD-ROM? Points out that a total of 144 requests were satisfied within the period covered by this study 72 (50%) from the faculty of Health Sciences, 41 form Education, 15 from arts, 9 from the social sciences and 7 from Education. Concludes by identifying for major areas to address in the provision of CD-ROM services to users.



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