Library Herald Year : 2006, Volume : 44, Issue : 4 First page : ( 264) Last page : ( 274) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. A Study of Serials Management Practice in a selected Nigerian University Library
Abstract Serials are the bedrock of research activities. When ill-managed, they cause dissatisfaction and distrust in the users. The study aims to find out the art of serials management practice at University of Ilorin Library, Ilorin, Nigeria. The data was collected through interview of the staff, examination of records and observation of activities serials section. The organization of serials functions was centralized while the access to the shelves was mixed. The materials were acquired by subscription through overseas agents, purchases and gifts. Their preservation is done with the help of binding, exit control and photocopying. The practice generally conforms with serials management reported in literature. However, there is still room for Improvement.