Library Herald Year : 2012, Volume : 50, Issue : 4 First page : ( 335) Last page : ( 347) Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469. Collection and Management of Information Resources: A Case Study of Samyuktha Karnataka Newspaper Library
Sarojadevi K*, Padmamma S**
* Librarian, KLE Society's PC Jabin Science College.
** Chairman, Department of Lib. & Info. Sci., Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimogga (Karnataka).
Newspapers provide current information on all aspects of country's social, economic, political and cultural life. They are the mirrors of the society. The basic objective of a newspaper library or “morgue” is to act as repository of information required by the reporting, editorial and management departments of a newspaper organization. The present paper deals with the existing patterns of acquisition and collection, its organization, management and retrieval of information resources preserved in the library. The information is usually stored, but more important is to organize the collection in such a way that any information can be retrieved instantly. The required data is collected by the library staff. Here the case study of ‘Samyuktha Karnataka’ a popular daily Kannada Language newspaper library has been undertaken.
Keywords Information Resources, Collection Management, Newspaper Library, Samyuktha Karnataka Newspaper Library,Sarojadevi K, Padmamma S.